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Speech Language Therapy for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder during COVID-19

Speech Language Therapy for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder during COVID-19

Speech-Language Therapy for Kids, Are you worried that your child with Autism Spectrum Disorder is missing out on his Speech-Language Therapy sessions during the pandemic? Leave all your worries behind! Read the blog to know more about some activities that you can do at home to stimulate speech and language skills.

“Always remember to generously reward your child for the responses during the activities to keep the child motivated.”

Activity 1:

This activity will guide you to improve your child’s eye contact, establish joint attention and ability to understand emotions. You may need an attractive hand puppet for this activity. You can hold the puppet and make different emotions such as; happy, sad, angry and surprised, encourage the child to imitate the emotions. Reward the child for every correct imitation.

Activity 2:

This activity will help your child to develop verbal requesting and understanding basic concepts of language. You may need few objects available at home, an empty bag and some toys (lexical items such as models of fruits, vegetables and animals etc.,). Hide these objects in a room and encourage the child to look for these objects to fill his/her gift bag by verbally requesting “Let’s see what is in the cupboard?” Encourage the child to verbalize when object is found “Look, it’s a ball” and so on. Reward the child by placing the object in his/her bag of gifts earned through the activity.

Speech-Language Therapy for Kids

Activity 3:

Does your child not respond to his/her name when called? This activity will help you through this skill. Gather people in the house together and call out each person’s name in the room such as Mommy, Dad, Grandma and the child’s name. The person whose name is called has to stand up from the chair to receive a reward token such as a cookie, star etc. Encourage your child to stand up from his/her chair when their name is called to receive the reward. Repeat this activity every day until your child begins to respond to his/her name consistently during the activity.

Activity 4:

This activity will help you facilitate and enrich your child’s sensory awareness, comprehension of words and expression of oral language. Things required for this activity is a big ball or some of your kids favorite toys. You can take your child outside in your garden and play throw and catch the ball game. Encourage your child to say “Throw the ball” “Catch the ball”. Then take your child on a walk in the garden, make him/her feel things in the environment and talk about it, “Wow, this is a green plant” “Look, pink flowers” and so on.  You can teach concepts of colors by picking up leaves, sticks and flowers of different colors and talk about it to your child. Make your child repeat words and phrases you’re saying.

Activity 5:

To help your child understand and use phrase level language, this activity can be carried out. You may need a simple story book for this activity. Read the story book to your child and describe images in the book. Allow your child to go through the images in the book and encourage your child to repeat phrases in the book. You can also make the activity interesting by role playing the story at home with real objects. If your child is at sentence level communication, you can ask simple “what” “who” and “why” questions during the activity. This activity can be done in word level and phrase level. Repeat words and phrases along with the activity to stimulate speech and language development in your child. You can teach many concepts in this activity such as; vocabulary, verbs, questions, verbal requesting, nouns, adjectives and oral language.

Speech-Language Therapy for Kids

Communication Tips for Caregivers:

  1. Make eye contact and establish joint attention during communication.

  2. Provide ample communication opportunities at home.

  3. Establish a daily routine for your child.

  4. Set aside Speech Language activity time every day.

  5. Communicate in simple and clear phrases.

  6. Use expanded language during play time.

  7. Wait for your child to respond.

  8. Listen to your child’s communication behaviors.

  9. Follow your child’s interest during activities.

  10. Provide ample rewards when the child communicates.

If you wish to know more about Speech Therapy, kindly contact us at

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Speech-Language Therapy for Kids

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