In this spectrum of hope series, we chat candidly with a loving mother. Ms. Deepika Sharma is an amazing mother to her son Aariv. She is also an Autism motivational speaker. We are delighted to feature their story.

Picture: Ms. Deepika with Aariv
Q. Please introduce yourself and Aariv
Hi! I am Deepika Sharma proud mommy of Aariv. He is a special child with a very special quality. He is hyperlexic and can read anything given to him.

Q. Share with us your journey through Aariv’s diagnosis and intervention
Aariv was diagnosed when he was 3 years old as Autistic. spectrum of hope series.We started his intervention therapy programs when he was 3.5 years of age. We have come a long way from where we began our journey.

Q. What is your favorite part about being his mother?
I love being his mother. He is a very positive child and is full of love. He tries his best to complete all the work given to him at home and school.

Q. Please share with us what keeps you motivated to be an “Autism Advocate”
In my experience, I have seen many people who are not considerate of children with special needs and their parents. Sometimes, this makes us as parents lose hope. I am a proud Autism advocate because I want everyone to know that Autistic children are gems. They bring love into our lives and we all should keep a positive attitude and support one another.

Q. What would you wish to tell other parents with neurodiverse children?
I wish to tell all parents to keep do everything you can to empower your child. Give them education and try to understand them. We have tried many different therapies and above all our hope kept us going. Today our lives are happy and we are a loving family.
Please spread and share this lovely journey to empower all the parents out there!
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