Children with autism spectrum disorders
Meet Anshul Gupta kid with autism, recipient of the Daily Point of Light Award. Read his account and suggest a deserving family or volunteer for the Daily Point of Light.
Anshul Gupta, a senior in high school from Sunny Vale, California, has spent a large portion of his spare time serving the neurodiverse community. He co-founded AUesome, an initiative leveraging technology to make educational and therapeutic resources more accessible to children with autism, and he presently serves as its president.
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Finding a work is getting harder for those with impairments, according to DE&I in India Inc.
The first in a four-part series on diversity, equality, and inclusion (DE&I) in Indian corporations is now available online. In general, equity provides equitable access to resources and benefits, inclusion gives people the chance to contribute, and diversity enables people to find gainful employment.
Muhammed Aslam P V has a master’s degree and has worked in two private companies’ accounts departments. He was born with a locomotive impairment that causes him to have problems. The 27-year-old has been on the lookout for employment since the start of current fiscal year.
DE&I in India Inc: Finding a job gets tougher for persons with disabilities | Business Standard News — Azmi Anuar (@azmibinanuar) October 18, 2022
Pingalwara and the university reach an agreement to provide special needs children with free education.
The Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala, and the All-India Pingalwara Charitable Society have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to offer completely free online education to Pingalwara’s special needs children.
“Today is a momentous day for Pingalwara,” said Dr. Inderjit Kaur, director of Pingalwara, as she signed the MoU at the company’s Manawala branch.
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To address the requirements of children and adults, the Autism Project struggles to hire workers.
Programs to teach social skills to people with autism spectrum disorders are in high demand. One of the most popular interventions for addressing social deficiencies in people with autism spectrum condition is social skills training (SST) (Interactive Autism Network Research Findings 2011). Traditional SST gives face-to-face, in-person education on conversation, friendship, and problem-solving abilities to children with ASD in order to teach them how to engage with their peers. One of the main obstacles to treatment is the lack of skilled facilitators, who are essential to programmes aimed at improving social skills (Gordon-Lipkin et al. 2016).
There is little data on how these programmes compare to conventional in-person social skills training in terms of performance (F2F-SST). The current study compares preliminary data for BITs social skills training (BITs-SST) to F2F-SST using meta-analytic techniques.
According to King’s College London, a third of parents believe that the financial crisis will have a significant impact on their kids’ mental health.
Following the Chancellor’s mini Budget, the Savanta ComRes poll, which polled 2,150 UK parents of children aged 5 to 17, between 23 and 29 September, also discovered that 33% of parents believe their child is now having mental health issues. This increases as children become older, reaching 43% of parents with kids in the 16–17 age range.
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JEE Advanced Advice from a Hearing Impaired Topper whose AIR-26 Made History
Ojas Maheshwari had a dream when he was ten years old: he wanted to attend IIT Bombay.
In the JEE Advanced 2022 exam, Ojas received an All-India Rank (AIR) of 26. He is also the PwD category’s top performer and the first PwD to receive such a high overall ranking in JEE Advanced.
The resident of Andheri claims that he never really thought of his hearing loss as a disability and instead chose to concentrate on his education. His proud mother Pooja claims that all he wanted was a general rank, not one in the PwD category.
JEE Advanced Tips From Topper With Hearing Disability, Whose AIR-26 Created History India Education News | Education Refor…#jobsearch #jobopening #hiring #resume #job #jobs #Careers #HR #educationnews #recruitment #walkin #governm… — User Jobs (@user_jobs) October 17, 2022
GNDU’s technology-driven educational resources for children with exceptional needs
Collaborations between special educators from public and private schools and education specialists from GNDU are expanding the range of special education programmes available in the district while modernising the learning resources and tools for kids with special needs (CWSN).
Special educators are working to introduce new devices and technology to ease out the understanding of traditional tools used like sign language and Braille for CWSN, even though GNDU has begun offering a degree programme in special education and training for developing teachers with special education tools.
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Mason motel claims its autistic guest’s family was expelled due to noise concerns.
A family with an autistic son claims that after a few noise complaints were made to their room, the Great Wolf Lodge asked them to leave.
Dyslexia is a disability that the French continue to misunderstand.
This past Saturday, October 15, was the 16th anniversary of National Dys Day. the chance to gain more knowledge about these common learning problems, which are still mostly misunderstood in France, as revealed by this week’s OpinionWay study for Lili for Life.
A sample of more than 1,000 French citizens aged 18 and older who were typical of the general population were used in the study.
Dyslexia: A disability still misunderstood by the French — INDIA NEWS (@Biologyhub1) October 16, 2022
DCW upset after Transport Department refuses to sell vehicle to woman with special needs
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) sent a warning to the city’s transportation division on Tuesday for rejecting a special needs woman’s request to purchase a large commercial vehicle, the Tata Winger, and adapt it to accommodate a wheelchair ramp.
Kajal, who apparently has cerebral palsy, an intellectual handicap, and limited mobility, claimed that the car is spacious enough to accommodate her motorised wheelchair and that the market does not have any other possibilities for her particular use.
Transport dept says no to sale of vehicle to special needs woman, DCW angry | Latest News India — Rohan Pankaj Sharma (@rohannsharma) October 18, 2022