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My Autism Family Story

My Autism Family Story

Vidya Banerjee

“My Son has taught me, that love needs no words”, we are ecstatic to bring to you today’s interview on a mother’s “My Autism family story”. Mrs. Vidya Banerjee is an Autism Advocate and an Autism Supermom. She is the founder of the Instagram handle “Autismfamilystory”. She shares her thoughts through her blogs too! Mrs. Banerjee is on a mission to spread awareness and acceptance of Autism.

“I am on a mission to help fellow autism parents help their children by sharing tips and strategies.”

We salute her zeal to share her Autism parenting journey with the world. Let’s hear it in her own words.

“I would do everything in my power as a mother to help my son be the best he can be.”

Vidya Banerjee- Austic parent

I am a mother of two boys, Aarian our younger son Is on the autism spectrum. He is non-verbal, He communicates using Touch chat word power 42 AAC app . AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative communication for individuals with autism who cannot communicate with verbal speech.

I am on a mission to help fellow autism parents help their children by sharing tips and strategies. That I have learned over the years while raising our son. I know firsthand parenting a child with autism can be overwhelming and isolating at the same time.

“Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children as young as 18 months of age.”

Autism first touched our lives when our younger son began exhibiting classic signs of autism. This was around 18 months of age. He got formally diagnosed at three years of age. My mother-in-law who is a special needs teacher bought it to our attention first. The possibility of our son being on the autism spectrum.

Autism child

Our son Aarian was born on November 4, 2005. From the beginning he was a very quiet baby, rarely crying. In the beginning, he hit all his milestones so there was never a cause for worry.

Things started changing when he turned 18 months of age he started showing classic signs of autism. He loved being alone, loss of eye contact, toe walking, did not respond to his name, babbled but never developed verbal speech. Aarian started regressing around two years of age. He remains non-verbal to this day.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children as young as 18 months of age we were in denial at first, I thought Aarian’s development was slow, and maybe my mother-in-law was mistaken. With time, though it became evident that Aarian was on the autism spectrum. Once he was three years old, we were relieved to receive his formal diagnosis as it allowed us to put appropriate supports and services to aid in this growth and development.

“Despite his struggles, he has come a long way.”

I was in denial at first since I didn’t know anything about Autism. We had never heard of it before . I went to Google to read everything about autism to educate myself. As I educated myself I was able to accept the diagnosis and focus on ways to help him.

I lived in a foreign country with no family support. I felt very isolated and overwhelmed both at the same time. Our hearts ached when Aarian got diagnosed with moderate to severe autism. we were told the prognosis was not promising and there was little we could do .They told us about all the things Aarian won’t be able to do. They were wrong.

Aarian - Austic kid

I remember making a promise to myself and my husband the day he got his diagnosis. That I would do everything in my power as a mother to help my son be the best he can be. Despite his struggles, he has come a long way.

“I went back to school did my Autism Graduation certificate and never looked back after that.”

We have been on this journey for more than a decade. It’s been a rewarding journey with our fair share of struggles and victories along the way.

Aarian - Austic children

Today our son is 16 years old he is turning into a fine young man. After my son’s diagnosis, I took it upon myself to help my son. I went back to school did my Autism Graduation certificate and never looked back after that . I became an involved parent and worked with my son at home in addition to school as our children need lots of repetitions and consistency to learn and master the skills.

“Aarian is a kind, gentle, hardworking boy who has come a long way despite his challenges.”

Our son went on to get an additional diagnosis of a rare seizure disorder at seven years of age which made it even more challenging. He also has a sensory processing disorder which impacts his life daily.

Aarian is a kind, gentle, hardworking boy who has come a long way despite his challenges. He has lots of strengths as well as needs he’s doing a lot of things we were once told he will not be able to do. My husband and I are blessed to be his parents and we are very proud of him.

“I have learned more about autism from my son than any book or professional.”

I started this journey not knowing anything about autism. Today I am helping and empowering fellow autism parents through my blog and my podcast. I have learned more about autism from my son than any book or professional.

Follow me on Instagram at @autismfamilystory to learn tips and strategies to help your own kids which I have learned over the years in raising our son. Listen to Autismfamilystory podcast on all podcast platforms’.I also have a blog

Lastly, I would like to conclude by saying our children have lots of potential,.They are capable of learning and making progress . You are an expert on your child as you have their best interest at heart . Believer in them because if you don’t no one else will.

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