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Daily Routine Activities To Help Your Child Talk In Sentences

Daily Routine Activities To Help Your Child Talk In Sentences

Daily Routine Activities for child speech –  Language learning happens at all the time during the daily activities. As a parent, you need to give more and more opportunities for the child to use longer and longer sentences. Here are some of the examples as in how you can improve the sentence building using daily activities.

Bath time

There are a lot of activities which could be worked upon during bath time. Concepts like dressing up, undressing, dirty, clean could be spoken. You can use readily available materials like bath toys, bubble bath etc.

If you are using a doll, you can expand vocabulary and sentences like below example:

Parent: Why do want to give a bath? (Showing the toy)

Child: Dirty

Parent: You are right! The clothes are dirty.

Child: Yeah! Clothes are dirty.

Parent: What will you do now?

Child: remove dress

Parent: Good! Will you take off doll’s dress?

Child: I will take off doll’s dress.

Parent: Good job! Tell me what’s happening?

Child: The doll is having a bath. (BIG reinforcement!)


Other concepts like body parts could be targeted by using commands like wash doll’s hair, Now lets up soap on doll’s hands etc. We can also use some related rhymes like:


Kids need to learn daily activities to become independent, responsible, helpful which will benefit them in long run. As a parent you can expand their language during these daily routine chores. For eg:

Child: Mamma what are you doing?

Parent: I am putting clothes for washing.

Child: Where wash?

Parent: We should wash clothes in the washing machine. Where should we wash?

Child: We should wash in the washing machine

Parent: Right! Can you give me your 2 shirts?

Child: Here! My 2 shirts.

Parent: Good job! These are your school shirts.

Concepts like plurals (Shirt- Shirts), opposites (clean*Dirty), Sorting (Eg: separate Papa’s clothes from yours), number counting (Can you get me 3 drying clips), sequencing (Put clothes inside, then put detergent, Switch on, take out once washing is over etc) can also be spoken during laundry.

Driving car

You can support child’s speech and language development anywhere, even in the car. While you are on the road to buy groceries or on a road trip, you can help the child to describe what he or she sees and practice creating sentences.

  1. Describe vehicles you see using descriptive words (e.g., big truck, red bike, fast car, loud horn).

  2. Model using complete sentences to help your child tell you what they see while riding in the car (e.g., “I see a big green bus”,  “I see two black sheep”).

Sing the “Wheels on the Bus” song and encourage imitation of actions and words.

Going to school

Going to school

While walking to the school, road safety points could be spoken about. Also daily activities of the child could be revised

Parent: What do you do first thing in the morning?

Child: Brush.

Parent: You are right! You brush your teeth.

Child: I brush my teeth.

Parent: After that?

Child: Eat breakfast.

Parent: good! I eat my breakfast. What did you eat for breakfast today?

Child: I ate bread and butter for breakfast today.

Parent: Excellent!! (Continue till you reach school!!)

Rhymes like time to go to school today could be used to speak about daily routine.

Playing with toys

Strategies like

  1. Self talk (explaining while doing an activity: Mamma is throwing the ball)

  2. Parallel talk (When the child is playing, you are narrating: Child playing ‘threading beads’: Great! You just put 3 beads in the thread). Only language modelling is done. Questions are not asked

  3. Expansions (Child:Car go, Parent: The car is going)

  4. Extensions (Child: Car go, Parent: The car is going. The red car is going)

  5. Repetitions (Child: Cal, Parent: Car)

  6. Questioning (Yes/No  questions, Close and Open ended questions)

Useful playtime rhymes:

Meal time:

Fruit salad

See how you can help your child’s speech and language develop during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  1. Cooking or Baking along with you. You can talk about the steps involved and do sequencing activities (Eg: Making fruit salad: Cutting, Mixing etc)

  1. Let your child help prepare a meal by gathering food items together.  Talk about what you need and where things are (Eg: ‘up high’,’on the table’, ‘inside the refrigerator’ etc).

  2. Have your child pretend to feed his/her favorite stuffed animal or doll.  Model requesting by signing/saying ‘more’ and/or ‘I want ___’.

  3. Cut out pictures of food and put them in groups (Eg:: ‘I eat’ and ‘I drink’ or ‘sweet, salty, hot, cold etc.)

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