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CforCAT Interviews Pratiksha

CforCAT Interviews Pratiksha


CforCAT Interviews Pratiksha- Online Speech Therapy technique has been gaining more attention in the recent times. If you are wondering what it is all about, do not miss today’s interview with Pratiksha Gupta who is a seasoned Speech Language Therapist cum Audiologist practicing since 2007. She is the founder, director of 1SpecialPlace, India’s first Online Speech Therapy Portal.

Pratiksha is on the panel of professional online parenting portals and is the author of a series of children’s storybooks that promote speech development.

Find out more about Online Speech Therapy and how it can be beneficial for your child.

Online speech therapy is still relatively new to the spech therapy scene. Can you tell a bit about some of the benefits of it?

Online Speech Therapy or Telepractice as it’s formally known has been around for more than 20 years! Though in India it’s a recent concept, it’s a popular method in countries like USA, UK, Canada and Australia.

Online Speech therapy has the power to reach remote areas and localities where traditional speech therapy services are unavailable.

Online Speech Therapy is simple, convenient and highly effective at the same time. I founded 1SpecialPlace India’s first Online Speech Therapy portal and we are helping Indian mothers all across the globe.

Can u tell us about a typical speech therapy session for a child with speech delay.

We always begin our Online Speech therapy program by doing a baseline evaluation session. After which we lay down a plan for the month. Each therapy session is 45 minutes which includes various activities to achieve the goals. For children with a pure Speech delay we would like to focus on improving the child’s receptive and expressive language skills, listening skills, compliance & attention along with enhancing his overall communication and connection with parents.

We employ a combination of digital and hands-on activities that are all tailored to the child’s needs. Homework and mother counselling are also provided to ensure better follow-up and carry-over on days when treatment is not held.

How do you keep the child engaged in the session when the speech therapist isn’t physically in the room?

A Speech therapist needs to see and hear a child during speech therapy, and this is completely possible through online speech therapy which is a video based interactive way of service delivery. We at 1SpecialPlace provide Online speech therapy through an interactive software which has inbuilt features to engage children via digital material which is customized for each child’s speech therapy needs and goals.

We also employ hands on activities in our online sessions with the help and support of the parent at the other end. It’s a very effective, evidence based protocol that we follow in our online sessions with children.

How can a parent benefit from your online platform?

Parents will find 1SpecialPlace’s Online Speech Therapy very convenient and effective at the same time. We have a global team with the best of professionals across the world.

Speech therapy usually involves regular sessions once or twice a week. In big cities the traffic situation is getting worse and taking kids for continued therapy every now and then is difficult. With 1SpecialPlace you can get the best of professional help sitting at home.

Most mothers who are taking our services are very happy that they can access these sessions with no help from their husbands who otherwise drive the kids around to the therapy centres.

Our sessions can even be filmed if a parent requests it, and the recording may be viewed later to observe how the child progressed throughout the session. CforCAT Interviews Pratiksha

How is an online therapy session beneficial than a conventional therapy?

There are many advantages of Online Speech Therapy over conventional therapy.

  1. Online Speech Therapy saves time and cost of travel

  2. They promises better continued therapy overcoming situations like bad weather, traffic jams, unwell parents etc.

  3. This can be accessed even if you’re traveling to another city

  4. They can be accessed from home/office/school

  5. You can sit with your child to monitor his progress in the online sessions. Many a times in conventional Speech therapy centre’s parents are not ‘allowed’ inside the sessions and online therapy breaks those norms.

  6. Research shows that with online sessions even mothers learn a lot and are able to use the tips and ideas in day to day communication with the child. Hence carryover of therapy is significantly better.

  7. Online sessions can be recorded and viewed by a parent later.

  8. At 1SpecialPlace we even have group online sessions with multiple professionals where a child gets to improve social skills in a structured environment

  9. Online Speech Therapy is preferred even by adults seeking help as they find it flexible and effective at the same time

We serve the best online speech therapy in India at 1SpecialPlace. Our personalized Online speech therapy works for people of all ages and ailments, and it’s also convenient and fun. In fact, our customers tell us that they don’t feel like they’re doing “therapy work” throughout their sessions. CforCAT Interviews Pratiksha, We would like to thank Pratiksha for sharing her expertise on Online Speech Therapy!

This interview was originally published on CforCAT blog

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