Good behavior lays the foundation of most learning in childhood. A well-behaved child is what every parent desires. Effective disciplining requires love, patience, and clarity of purpose. Here are some simple disciplining principles which work well for all kids
Discipline Constructively –
You should use simple words to tell your child what you want him to follow. Don’t use a bossy voice. You can say “ Please do this” more often than “Don’t do this”. Be flexible. For instance, if your child is tired, you might decide to wait and ask him to clean up his toy room after he has had a nap.
Discipline Consistently –
If you have enforced discipline over a matter at one time, make sure he doesn’t get away without following it the next time too. For example, If you insisted your child to rinse his teeth after eating chocolates, make sure you insist the next time too. Don’t confuse your child and avoid weakening your authority.

Explain why rules must be followed –
Instead of saying “because I told you so”, explain the rationale behind your decisions and rules. Make sure to be brief in the explanation. Long explanations usually lose a youngster. With the reasons explained, the child is in a better position to only obey but to absorb the behavior and make it his own.
Never embarrass or put down your child in front of others-
Discipline is not meant to shame or embarrass. Always treat your child gently and, whenever possible, discipline him at home privately. Try and put yourself in his shoes and remember those times when as a child you were disciplined and how you felt about it.
Read a blog on Raising respectful children here
Be Honest in disciplining –
Always make sure you have an honest realistic reason for wanting your child to adhere to your standard of doing something. Don’t manipulate your child!
Don’t compare –
It’s pointless to compare your child to other kids and peers in order to discipline. He can learn from examples of others, but not under pressure. Comparisons are likely to encourage defiance.
Discipline at the moment –
Do not delay the consequences of your child’s misbehavior. Postponing punishment creates undue anxiety and the impact of discipline is diluted in this way.
Monitor the results of your discipline efforts –
Whatever techniques you use with your child, always observe his reactions to make sure your methods are doing what they should. If not, modify and try some new tacks.
Don’t dwell on issues –
Once you have taken an action, finish the matter. Kids move on very quickly and so should adults.
Offer praise and encouragement to positive behavior-
This should be your first call. Nothing works as well as your approval. Your child will be eager to show you how well he follows the rules once he has attained your blessing.
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