online therapy facts and myth

Virtual Versus In-Person Speech Therapy: Myths and Facts

Virtual Versus In-Person Speech Therapy: Myths and Facts Virtual Versus In-Person Speech Therapy- Speech Therapy is very crucial for kids and adults. Especially for those with a speech disorder. Hence, working with a Speech-Language Therapist is strongly advised. In other words, the therapist will help to overcome these issues.  Additionally, one-to-one therapy sessions gives great …

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Benefits of Online Speech Therapy during COVID-19

Benefits of Online Speech Therapy during COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing people all over the world to stay home and engage virtually. As much as we hate it, life has to go on. So does learning and skill development. So, in this blog, we are talking about the benefits of online speech therapy during …

Read more Benefits of Online Speech Therapy during COVID-19