Learn to Read and Write

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Learn to Read and Write- Christmas themed ideas! Download now!

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Learn to Read and Write is a simple resource book which uses the Christmas theme in mind. Christmas is a perfect occasion to teach children creatively.  Literacy development is crucial for growing children and should be made as interesting as possible.

Literacy in Kids

The gradual, ongoing process of literacy begins at birth and continues through the early childhood years. It involves understanding and using language . During this period children first learn to use oral forms of language (listening and speaking). He  then begins to explore written forms (reading and writing).

Reading Skills

Every parent dreams that their child should love to read. This is because reading opens many doors in school and beyond. So what is the magic spell that will turn your kids into passionate readers? The answer is simple, and probably something you already expected-reading with your child. If the idea of reading puts even you off, don’t worry-books with your child can be incredibly fun after you learn and unlearn some things.

Writing Skills

Writing is a complex task. In order of learning, it is the last one to develop. Similarly, writing is a process of communicating ideas using letters and numbers.

The pre-requisite skills for developing writing in toddlers are:

  • Firstly, eye-hand coordination

  • Secondly, motor skills ( small muscle development  – fine motor & upper body strength – gross motor)

  • Thirdly, ability to hold the writing tool

  • Lastly, ability to form basic strokes and lines

Learn to Read and Write Book

This book offers activities and ideas to promote reading and writing. Learn to Read and Write book serves kids 3 years+  It is useful resource for parents, educators and therapists.

The book  by childhood educators and experts and 1SpecialPlace. We hope it will add value in your teaching methods!

More Resources

Tips to  improve reading in toddlers

Christmas activities for reading

Tips to improve writing in toddlers

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