Top 5 AAC activities
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) activities are an amazing way for your child to learn language. Not only the child but also the family members can join in and participate in the activities. These activities promote not only language development, but also social interaction, turn-taking, and communication. Every activity is an opportunity to model language to the child. This blog post will help you with some top fun-filled activities to improve on the core and fringe word vocabulary using AAC activities. Have fun!!
Snakes & Ladders
Snakes and Ladders is a fun game that can be enjoyed by anyone of any age. When incorporating this game for AAC users, it is very important to use a combination of core and fringe words. You can use various targeted core words such as Up, Go, Down, Turn, Play, etc. If your child is using two-word combinations, then you can go for “Go up”, “Your Turn”, etc. Some of the fringe words that you can use include the numbers on the board and colors of the tokens. Model these words as you play the game. Encourage others in the family to play as well with your child. Remember to give time to the child when playing the game & communicating with the AAC.
UNO is another activity that can be used using AAC. Not only does it help with language development, but also turn-taking skills. Various core words such as Put, Take, Next, Play, etc. can be used. Fringe words can also be used such as the different colors of the cards and numbers. You can model the words as you go on. Keep adding new words to your child’s vocabulary. Initially, keep a list of target words. Once your child starts gaining independence in using those words, move on to the next set of targeted words.
Potato Head
Mr. Potato head is an activity that can be done with a focus on different core words. You can use the Potato head to model various questions such as “Who, What, Where” etc. Different prepositions can also be targeted such as “On, In, Above” etc. Fringe words such as body parts, shapes, colors can be targeted along with core words. Using this activity, your child will understand the different body parts & functions. Keep modeling the words using the AAC in meaningful contexts.
I Spy
I Spy is a fun activity that can be done with kids. You can say the phrase “I spy with my little eyes, I see a cup”. You can name any target word that you want to use on your AAC device. Keep a setlist of words ready. You can make ‘I spy’ activities using flashcards, items in a tray, or even YouTube videos. You can also decide whether you want to model one or more words depending on the level of communication of your child.
In this activity, you can choose some pictures. You will need to add these pictures up so that you can narrate a story. The first person picks up a picture and says the first story of the sentence. Then the next player adds the next sentence by picking another picture. In this way, you can create more sentences by taking turns. Keep modeling the words which you want to target during the activity. This is a great game to play with AAC users as it helps them make sentences while also giving them time to think about the next sentence.
There are various other AAC activities that you can use. There are so many ideas and so many ways in which we can improve communication for AAC users. Keep finding new activities to make AAC learning fun and effective. Make learning fun!!!