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Books That Can Get Your Toddler Talking!

Books That Can Get Your Toddler Talking!

Reading to toddlers can boost language development and also aid in fostering many other important skills like sound-word awareness, joint attention, concentration, early literacy, imagination and empathy.

Here is a list of books that can help your toddler start talking better!  I have used these books with hundreds of children in my many years of practising as a Speech Language Therapist.  This collection has a variety of board books ranging from sound books, lift the flap, slide, pop up,  to puppet books and touch & feely books. You can click on any to even place an order.

This book  has simple clear pictures and buttons that speak the words out. You can engage your toddler in various ways while reading this book. Toddlers love pressing the buttons and try to imitate what they hear. Each page has big bold single pictures, most suited for language enrichment.

This is an adorable lift the flap book which is an interactive board book. You can read it while playing the Peeka-boo game! So much language to impart — You will find scenes like- Where are baby’s hands? Under the Bubbles! Where are baby’s eyes? Under the hat? Great Book to revise body parts.

Toddlers will love this interactive puppet book! It is a big glove that you can wear and the small book on the palm is a board book. You can sing this classic nursery rhyme and explore more words with the puppets!

This famous Book from the Animated Movie – Despicable Me is something that your toddler will adore. Its got 3 kitten finger puppets that don’t want to sleep and do various things before their bed time. Great for building words and actions.

Great book to build your child’s vocabulary. It is a lift the flap book which children enjoy reading through. You can get some simple objects and ask your child to match them with the pictures in the book. So much fun as the language enriches.

This classic by Sandra Bounton is a cute book with silly characters. The best part about it is , how simple it is. Toddlers will learn simple animal cries through this book.

This is one of my favourite books! Its a lift the flap book about zoo animals. It creates opportunities for the child to speak the animal’s name and also links various adjectives with them. The pictures are simple and children relate well to them.

This age-old classic by Eric Carle is one to definitely own! There are simple board books available in this but I think this pull out pop up version is great too! The story is about a caterpillar who eats every week day and turns into a butterfly at the end. Children can learn to talk about sequences, days of the week, things to eat and so many other things through this cute story. The pop ups make the book interactive.

This beautiful book has simple pictures which talk about colours. Big Bright faces on each page catch your toddler’s attention. Small toddlers love this book!

Super book for toddlers to start speaking using the power of simple rhyming words! A very intriguing book which builds interest in children who would love to turn the pages and in the end discover a mirror! A Must read.

This is a great book to relate to your child. It has scenes from various day to day scenarios and highlights whats yummy ( good) or yucky ( bad) “Spaghetti is Yummy” – “Worms are Yucky” Children get to learn good habits as well as new words with this bestselling book!

A wonderful interactive book that will engage your child. The book has scenes for various items like brushing teeth, changing into night pyjamas, going to the toilet. The book has lift the flaps and pull the tabs and super engaging.  Must get this for your toddler.

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