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Stuttering Tips for Adolescents

Stuttering Tips for Adolescents

Stuttering or Stammering is highly variable. You may find yourself speaking flawlessly at times but struggle to get a word out at other times. Shying away from talking, talking less, not participating in conversations with new people or a large group, staying aloof is most likely to happen with adolescents who stutter. So, what do you do about it? If you are an adolescent looking out for overcoming your stuttering, Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects people of all ages, including teenagers. It can be a frustrating and isolating experience for teenagers, who may feel embarrassed or ashamed about their stuttering. As a parent, it can be challenging to know how to support your teenager who stutters. Here are some tips on how parents can help their teenage child who stutters.

Do Not Worry!

Variability in the amount you stutter is just the nature of the condition itself. If you observe yourself, you will be able to identify certain factors in the environment which are causing your Teenage Stuttering to increase. Here is some information about stuttering and tips for your stuttering if you are an adolescent or a parent of an adolescent with stuttering.

Understand All About Stuttering

It’s the era of the world wide web. Pick up your phone and gather all the information about stuttering. Always choose authentic websites or research articles. Try to understand what causes stuttering and how your stuttering can impact your personal life, social life, and academic life.


Adolescence is a sensitive stage of life. The impact of stuttering could be the greatest in your adolescent years. So, you need to start looking out for remedies. Gather stuttering tips for adolescents.

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 Seek Professional Help

Speech Therapy and Psychological Counselling can help those who stutter be more fluent and confident while speaking!

  • One can begin with the identification of stuttering events, speaking slowly and more fluently using certain techniques and analogies to be used during the stuttering events during the course of speech therapy. Therapists help achieve fluent speech in children and adults with stuttering.  Speech-Language Pathologists also help in speaking in social situations, building confidence for public speaking, getting rid of negative emotions associated with speaking situations, tension or fears are dealt with for bringing about better communication skills in the child or adult with stuttering.

  • Psychological counseling and/or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy helps to identify the underlying causes such as anxiety, embarrassment, low confidence, negative feelings, and attitudes associated with stuttering and overcoming them.

Always remember to approach a certified therapist!

Remember, You are not Alone

If you are feeling low, embarrassed, or anxious about what someone would think of you when you talk, put a full stop to it. Seeking professional help will improve your condition. There are plenty of support groups online and offline. Look them up. Go through personal narratives of persons who stutter. Try out various stuttering tips for adolescents across the globe. Find success stories and push yourself to become fluent.

Avoid Self-Pity and Blame Game

Talking fluently with professional help might take some time. Never let the feelings of ‘I’m not doing enough’ or ‘ It’s my fault’ sink in. Establishing the exact cause for your stuttering is quite difficult. Self-pity most often becomes a hurdle in your goal to be fluent. Set realistic goals for your speaking skills and work towards them consistently and you will get there!

Say No to Escapism

Most persons with stuttering try to avoid social situations and prefer to stay aloof. The key to gaining confidence and being a fluent speaker is to grab every opportunity to talk and implement the techniques taught during therapy to practice. So, next time- Raise your hand in a class, Go up to a stranger and strike a conversation, Put your ideas out there in a group! Do not pull yourself back.

Set Realistic Goals

It is quite common for people to stutter while speaking. Some stutter more and some less. Those who stutter more get diagnosed as being ‘Persons with Stuttering’. So, having goals such as “I should not stutter while speaking” are quite unrealistic. Do not thrive under the pressure of being fluent all the time. Understand that talking involves variability. It is common to fumble. Most listeners are quite accommodative and will hear you out despite your stuttering. To those who are curious about your way of talking, explain what it is! Create awareness.

Remember: You JUST have Stuttering and You ARE NOT a stutterer

Look into your personality- identify all the good qualities in yourself. Your stutter is just a part of you. Do not let the feelings of shame, embarrassment or anxiety take over your personality. Embrace your stuttering and work towards being fluent. Understand that stuttering is neither a defect nor is a limitation to grow in your personal, social or professional life.

Be Prepared for Relapses

Stuttering by its nature tends to relapse. You might find your stutter to be back after a long while of talking fluently. Be mindful of this fact while you enroll in a therapy program. Be prepared for facing a relapse. Have all the information, strategies, and stuttering tips specifically for adolescents. Go back to therapy if needed.

The change will take time to set in. Allow yourself the time to explore your coping mechanisms. Take small steps through your journey of being fluent. Do not hesitate to experience and face every situation or opportunity at hand!

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