In this blog, we will talk about Stuttering Recovery and Relapse in Children. Sssssstutttttttttering is rrrrrrrreally dddddifficult ! Phew! How did you read that? Tough! isn’t it? Firstly, therapy for stuttering is the first phase. Lastly, comes recovery and relapse. So, we will talk about Stuttering Recovery and Relapse.
Stuttering Recovery and Relapse
Stuttering is a common speech disorder.
Further, early treatment is best. In other words, this avoids quality-of-life issues later.
Also, Psychological issues with stuttering are common. In other words, such as mental pressure, anxiety is seen in kids and adults. Also, prevention is better than cure.
Further, many kids recover on their own. But, it is not possible to know which group of kids will recover or who will not. Further, the best way is to monitor kids. Also, only pre-school kids may show natural recovery. Therefore, check for natural recovery 1 year before starting therapy.
For young kids, direct or indirect therapy option is there. Direct therapy helps the child to change the way he speaks. Whereas the indirect one will focus on ways to speak easily. These will include slowing down and others.
Parents are a crucial part of a child’s therapy.
For older kids and adults, treatment is a little different. SLP’s help them to feel less tense. Help to speak freely at school, at school, and in social settings.
When to get professional help?
Preschool stuttering kids are monitored for signs of natural recovery. Hence, this natural recovery only happens in pre-school kids.
Treatment is started before 5 years of age in kids. Therefore, professional help will bring out the best in your child.
So, a speech therapist can do magic! Hence, SLP’S role in Stuttering is crucial. There is no magic. In other words, no other way to cure it. No medicine can make your stutter go away.
Let’s have a peep into the role of an SLP :
Read more about Is Stuttering a Disability?
Seeking professional help makes you feel less tense.
Helps you speak in a better way.
They can also help the person face speaking situations easily.
Can help in dealing with other issues.
Now imagine stuttering relapses in a PWS, post-therapy. He /she has to start all over again, right ?? Does it happen like that ?? Yes, it does happen! It is “Relapse”. In other words, “relapse” means that the person being treated regresses. Further, simply fails to keep up his or her half of the therapeutic bargain.
Why Stuttering Relapse?
Failure to practice
Failure to monitor
Genetic factors
The severity of the matter
Attitude change
Lack of motivation and interest
Achieving false fluency
Self-efficacy doubts
Poor self observance.
Fair self-monitoring methods
Complications in one’s health, family life, or personal issues.
Listener’s adjustment to the new speech.
General Tips
Follow the home plan.
Spend time with your child to remind him of speech tips.
Attend support group, therapy classes.
Listen to your child.
Do not burden your child with your demands
Always encourage fluent speech.
Do not be critical of your child’s speech.
Follow up every month with your therapist.
Read more on Stuttering