We know being a parent is one of the toughest tasks. Added to that being a working mother can be even more challenging. Working mothers face situations that can be very hard to go through. Especially, when a large part of our society still feels that mothers are the primary caretakers of children. These social constructs can really add to the pressure on a mother who juggles home and work balance. But like everything else, we need to try and draw some boundaries to safeguard our careers, our home and our children. And here is how to do it.
1. Prioritise
It is essential to keep your priorities straight. When it’s work time, it should be strictly work and when it’s family time, it’s only family. Drawing boundaries and making your priorities clear to your colleagues and your family members will help them understand your pattern and follow the same.
2. Physical touch
Ensure timely physical connection with your kids. It could be frequent hugs and pats on the back and hand squeezes. Random physical touch can boost our serotonin levels and result in deeper relationships.
3. Family time
Plan daily family time according to everyone’s schedules. It could be once or twice a day when everyone is together. It could be done during meals or during a walk after dinner. Family time will give you a chance to get together with your children and bond over the happenings of the day.
4. No-screen time
Schedule screen-free time with your children. Today, all of us are dependent on screens for work and play. Our screen time takes a major chunk of our routine without us realizing it. Mindful screen time ensures we don’t waste our precious time that could be used with the kids instead.
5. Playdates with your kids
Organizing play dates with your kids at their favourite park or a playground can be a great way to catch up with them. You can always delegate certain days for such playdates. It could be any day of the week that suits you. You could even go the extra mile and make a celebration out of it by having a theme each week or just ending the day at your kid’s favourite restaurant or by having a pizza night.
6. Delegate tasks
Managing home and work can be extremely challenging thanks to all the household chores that never seem to get over. To make things easier, you can start delegating household chores to your children. It also helps in their growth and development so it is two birds with one stone.
7. Quiet time
Self-care must take topmost priority for all mothers and for working moms, it is even more important! Ensure you have a quiet ‘me-time’ for yourself to recharge and keep going. Remember, in order to be there for your kids, you need to take care of yourself first.
8. Stop comparing
It is quite common to compare yourself to other mothers. But remember, everyone is on a different journey and has different struggles. The grass may look greener on the other side but it is not in reality. Give yourself a break and avoid comparing with others. Self-acceptance and self-compassion will not only help you but also your children in the long run.
Working mothers definitely have it hard but they are also great role models for their children. Having working mothers teaches children to be assertive and independent. It also helps them have a broader perspective of parenting roles. So, if you’re a working mother being hard on yourself, take this as a reminder to be proud of your accomplishments. You are doing a great job and you deserve a break whenever you need one.