ISHA or the Indian Speech and Hearing Association is the professional and scientific association having members who are Speech language pathologists, Audiologists, Speech Language and Hearing scientists in India as well as internationally. One of the hallmark activities of ISHA is the annual conference. Over the past few years, organisers of ISHA conference have transformed it from being a student centric event to a professional empowering event.
While any qualified speech therapist can practice online, acquiring certain techniques and methods for practicing online can significantly enhance therapy outcomes. When we started online speech therapy, there was no formal training available for becoming an online speech therapist in India.
Trainings provided by therapists in USA are great but can be expensive and not always suited for Indian clientele. As a result we created our inhouse teletherapy training programme at 1SpecialPlace.
Infact, the best way to start taking online sessions is with your existing clients as it reduces stress for you. Many clients would love the option of taking a session from home instead of travelling! You can also approach past clients who moved away due to a location change.
Where was it held?
2019 saw the 51st annual convention of Indian Speech and Hearing Association which was held at our Garden City Bengaluru at NIMHANS convention centre. 51st ISHACON was held from February 7th to 10th 2019. It was divided as Pre-conference (7th) and main conference (8th-10th ).
Who Organised it?
51st ISHACON 2019 was organised by Indian Speech and Hearing Association- Bengaluru Chapter (ISHA-BC) in association with Department of Speech pathology & Audiology, NIMHANS along with the support of DR S.R Chandrashekar Institute of Speech and Hearing, Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing and also Naseema Institute of speech and Hearing. Various Organising committees along with advisory committee of ISHA –BC planned the event meticulously to make it a grand success.
Who were the speakers?
Speakers at the event were renowned national and international experts who spoke about wide range of trending topics which were covered during plenary sessions, panel discussions and also teleconferencing discussions over Skype. Some of the speakers were James W. Hall III, Sudhin Karuppali, Ann Eddins, David Eddins, John Grose, Prathibha Karanth, Subhash C Bhatnagar, Sreedevi Aithal, Shereen Idiculla, Venkatesh Aithal, Ramesh Kaipa, Rinki Varindani Desai, Lakshmi Venkatesh, Sonal V Chitnis, Akila T Rajappa, S. P. Goswami, Supraja Anand, Neha Tiwari.
Conference Highlights
ISHACON 2019 began with pre-conference with one Skype session along with other plenary sessions. The program not only aimed at creating awareness but also helped to equip teachers in identifying them and also to provide classroom remedial strategies.

Students and professionals were enriched with few current research topics like current trends in middle ear analysis by Dr Sreedevi Aithal and Dr Venkatesh Aithal, Voice assessment: Recent developments and implications for clinical practice by Dr. Supraja Anand and other topics like recent trends in Hearing aid technology By Dr. David A Eddins and Music as Language: Neuroscientific prespective on Music and Brain by Dr. Shantala Hegde.

Day 1
Day 1 of the conference started with 2 Skype sessions and 8 plenary discussions. Few of the topics were by
Dr. Prathiba Karanth on communication in Autism spectrum disorders,

Dr Ann clock Eddins on Ageing and Auditory system

There was also a panel discussion on professional certification process for speech and Hearing by few expertises in the field of speech and hearing.

The day ended with inauguration of the conference by Hon’ble Justice Shri S. Rajendra Babu, Former chief justice of India

Release of E-souviner and ISHA BC directory was also carried out by Dr B N Gangadhar, Director, NIMHANS.
Oration Award conferring ceremony was also a part of the evening.
Dr. N. Rathna Oration was awarded to Mrs. Maya

Prof. R. K. Oza oration was awarded to Dr Usha Dalvi

Prof Kameshwaran Oration was awarded to Dr. Animesh Barman

Dr. S. R. C travel Fellowship Award was given to Dr. John Grose

The day concluded with cultural programs by speech and Hearing students
Day 2
Day 2 of the conference also had interesting speakers giving talk on Videokymography by Ketki Phadke, Oral placement therapy for speech and feeding disorders by Shereen Idiculla followed by Skype session on CAPD by Dr. Gail chermak.

GB meeting of ISHA was carried out. Mr Javara Nayaka and Reuben Varghese were elected as EC members of ISHA, Dr. Krishna Y was elected as President elect, Dr. Pradeep Yuvraj was nominated by EC members as Treasurer and Dr. Neeraj Kumar as JISHA editor.
Day 3
Day 3 of the conference started with the discussion on what are the current protocols for neonatal screening. Eminent speakers were in the panel of discussion. Simultaneously other interesting discussions were carried out by Dr. Goswami and Dr. Sudhin Karupalli on Aphasia rehabilitation using Telepractice and also on language assessment in adolescents.

Few of them were certification for Auditory Neuropathy spectrum disorders, Evidence based approach and also on Technological advances and candidacy for implantable devices

The day ended with an interesting Skype session by Dr. Sonali Nag on Dyslexia: finding the balance followed by valedictory function.
The event also had exhibitors and sponsors who had various stalls at the venue

The 51st ISHACON was a grand success and all the delegates went away satisfied with the fare served to them.
Team 1SpecialPlace congratulates all the awardees, participants and the organising committee for such a wonderful contribution.
We at 1SpecialPlace provide the Best Online Speech therapy In india. Our personalized Online speech therapy works for people of all ages and ailments, and it’s also convenient and fun. In fact, our customers tell us that they don’t feel like they’re doing “therapy work” throughout their sessions.
Speech is how you express yourself; it’s what we hear. Language is not only what you wish to convey; it is also what we believe. When you have excellent speech and language, you can fully express yourself and connect with people. We’ll collaborate with you to create your own specialized strategy and uncover your most effective communication.
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