Proeves Interviews Pratiksha Gupta

Proeves Interviews Pratiksha Gupta

Proeves Interviews Pratiksha Gupta This interview was conducted by Proeves and posted on their website here with Pratiksha Gupta This Mom has created India’s first online speech therapy platform Pratiksha Gupta started her online venture 1specialplace, to help all those families who are based in areas where there is no speech therapy service available. How did you …

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5 Signs That Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

5 Signs That Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

5 Signs That Your Child Needs Speech Therapy Communication is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of our interactions and connections with others. For children, developing effective communication skills is essential for academic success, social interactions, and overall well-being. However, some children may experience challenges in this area that could benefit from professional intervention. …

Read more 5 Signs That Your Child Needs Speech Therapy

Appliv Reviews Early Word Deck Android Apps

Appliv Reviews Early Word Deck Android Apps

Appliv Reviews Early Word Deck Android Apps Appliv the popular Japanese mobile discovery platform recently reviewed our series of Early Word Deck Apps. We thank them for their kind words. Here are some excerpts from the reviews : No longer do you have to take a wild guess on how to help their vocabulary bank. …

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Online Speech Therapy Sessions

Online Speech Therapy Sessions

Online Speech Therapy in india Sessions Don’t have a Online Speech Therapy in india professional near your you? Not sure if your child has a problem ? Looking for guidance on Speech Issues? Looking for alternate Professional opinion? Stammering Issues? Take our online consultation from the convenience of your home and help your loved ones  Our personalized …

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Activities to Improve Your Childs Speech - Speech Hour

Activities to Improve Your Childs Speech – Speech Hour

Activities to Improve Your Child’s Speech – Speech Hour Speech Hour is a series of Live Interactive Talk Sessions by Expert Speech Language Therapist, Pratiksha Gupta, M.S. ( London). Pratiksha has been dealing with children with speech difficulties since 2002. In the first session, She will give a talk on “Activities to improve your childs …

Read more Activities to Improve Your Childs Speech – Speech Hour

8 Unique Abilities that May Accompany Autism

8 Unique Abilities that May Accompany Autism

8 Unique Abilities that May Accompany Autism Abilities that May Accompany Autism (ASD) – Do you know that autistic children often get unique abilities that may accompany autism? Along with the challenges that autism involves, a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder also exhibits areas of strength. Although not all children have special talents, it is …

Read more 8 Unique Abilities that May Accompany Autism