How to Search For Relevant Information Online

Autism Series V: How to Search For Relevant Information Online

Autism Series V: How to Search For Relevant Information Online Online search – There is no denying that the internet holds tremendous amounts of information across a variety of topics. In this tech-savvy era, answers to any query – big or small – is first searched online. Therefore, it is natural for parents and families …

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Sippy Cups Can Cause Speech Difficulties

How Sippy Cups Can Cause Speech Difficulties?

What is a Sippy cup and why is it used? Speech Difficulties –  A Sippy cup is a training cup usually made of plastic with a screw or snap-on lid and a spout that lets your child drink without spilling. A Sippy cup is usually preferred as a transition from nursing /bottle feeding to a …

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How Sensory Activities Promote Speech and Language Development

How Sensory Activities Promote Speech and Language Development

How Sensory Activities Promote Speech and Language Development Speech and Language Development, Sensory exploration stimulates all senses at the same time. These experiences can include touch, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, equilibrium and pressure ( tactile, audition, visual, gustatory, olfactory, vestibular and proprioception are more formal terms).   And all these senses together boost many areas …

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Building Your Child's Creative Language

Bedtime Talk : Building Your Child’s Creative Language

Bedtime Talk : Building Your Child’s Creative Language Building Your Child’s Creative Language, We all know that having routines for the day can be very helpful for your child to predict, plan and communicate more effectively. Finding opportunities to talk with your child is crucial for his language development. Be it the morning rush hour …

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20 Must-Know Terms Related to Autism

Autism Series III: 20 Must-Know Terms Related to Autism

Autism Series III: 20 Must-Know Terms Related to Autism This article describes common terms related to Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) . These terms are used often while reading information related to Autism / ASD or heard while speaking with physicians or therapists. Do note that these are not dictionary definitions but simple explanations …

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Daily Routine Activities

Daily Routine Activities To Help Your Child Talk In Sentences

Daily Routine Activities To Help Your Child Talk In Sentences Daily Routine Activities for child speech –  Language learning happens at all the time during the daily activities. As a parent, you need to give more and more opportunities for the child to use longer and longer sentences. Here are some of the examples as …

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10 Reasons Why Household Chores Are Important

10 Reasons Why Household Chores Are Important

Involving children in household chores gives them opportunity to become active participant in the house. Kids begin to see themselves as important contributors to the family. Holding children accountable for their chores can increase a sense of themselves as responsible and actually make them more responsible.

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Sentence Building in Children

Sentence Building in Children Aged Below 5 Years

Sentence Building in Children Aged Below 5 Years Q. When does sentence building in children start? A child as young as 1.5 years can speak in a meaningful sentence using 2 words (Eg: My doll). As in when a child develops more vocabulary, she/he will start using longer and longer sentences. We can measure sentence …

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Create VERBAL ROUTINES and get your toddler talking!

Create VERBAL ROUTINES and get your toddler talking!

Create VERBAL ROUTINES and get your toddler talking! VERBAL ROUTINES consist of words that are repeated at a predictable time during an activity. A verbal routine occurs any time a person says the same words, in the same way, for the same things, every time a specific activity occurs. Introducing Verbal routines in your daily …

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Behavior Management for Children with Delays

Behavior Management for Children with Delays

Behavior Management for Children with Delays Parenting a special child comes with special challenges and requires greater attention to lots of areas of your child’s life. One of the main aspects that parents need to focus on is the behavior management. Autism Spectrum comes with numerous behavior issues like anger, tantrums, mood swings etc. Sometimes …

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