Play in Speech Therapy Sessions

Why do we use Play in Speech Therapy Sessions?

Why do we use Play in Speech Therapy Sessions? Play in speech therapy is a child-directed approach that includes the usage of various materials like toys and games. It helps the child improve on their speech and language goals in the most naturalistic environment while also being enjoyable and fun for the child. If you …

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toys for speech therapy

Best Toys Review for Speech Therapy

Introduction Now, who does not love toys?  Further, we all know toys are not just for fun. They can also be used to develop various skills in kids. For instance, cognitive, problem solving, social skills, speech, and language skills. We all want to go and buy the trending toys. But wait up. Don’t do that. …

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Pre Linguistic Skills : Everything you need to know

Pre Linguistic Skills : Everything you need to know

Pre Linguistic Skills : Everything you need to know This blog talks about pre linguistic skills. These skills are the foundation of language development.  What are pre linguistic skills ? Pre linguistic skills are those skills which develop before a child learns to talk. Hence, it is a way of communicating without words. It includes …

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fragile x syndrome

Speech Tips for Fragile X Syndrome

Speech Tips for Fragile X Syndrome Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes mental disability. Many parents report that children with Fragile X syndrome have a variety of problems. Some of them are social and, behavioral issues, speech and language difficulties, and sensory issues. There is no cure for this disorder. However, therapy …

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choosing therapist

Choosing the Best Therapist for Your Child

Choosing the Best Therapist for Your Child Every parent is worried when they know their child needs help. Hence, during this stage., parents try to find answers. Further, there are many reasons why therapy is needed. Furthermore, choosing the best therapist for a child is a big decision. First it is essential to know what …

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Articulation Therapy: Teaching “TH” & “DH” Sound

Articulation Therapy: Teaching “TH” & “DH” Sound

Articulation Therapy: Teaching “TH” & “DH” Sound Pronouncing the /TH DH/ sounds can be a bit tricky for young children. And it is also a very commonly occurring sound in speech. If you are worried or concerned about your child’s pronunciation of the “TH” and “DH” sounds, this blog can help you with teaching these …

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Articulation Therapy- Teaching ch and j sounds

Articulation Therapy- Teaching ch and j sounds

Articulation Therapy- Teaching ch and j sounds The articulation therapy for /ch/ and /j/ sounds involves teaching the correct placement of the articulators (i.e, the oral structures and other structures involved in speech production) through various techniques and stages. Children usually develop the /ch/ and /j/ sounds a bit later, starting at around age four. …

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Tips to get the most from Online Therapy

Tips to get the most from Online Therapy Tele-rehabilitation can be challenging for those who want to start online therapy sessions. It can be even more challenging to transition from conventional therapy services to tele-therapy. Do not worry!! Here are some tips to get the most from online therapy.   Get a strong internet connection …

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