What are Social Stories and How Do They Help?

What are Social Stories and How Do They Help?

What are Social Stories and How Do They Help? Social stories for autism are an important tool for social communication especially designed for people on Autism Spectrum Disorders to educate them about appropriate social manners.  Social stories model appropriate social interaction by describing a situation with relevant social cues, other’s perspectives, and a suggested appropriate …

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Social Anxiety: How to Help Your Child?

Social Anxiety: How to Help Your Child?

Social Anxiety: How to Help Your Child? Social Anxiety is the fear of social interactions and feeling uncomfortable around a group of people. Children with Social Anxiety are often misunderstood as being shy. Social Anxiety is more prevalent in children with autism spectrum disorder. The “shy” label may be somewhat accurate, but it does nothing …

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Social Skill Activities for Adults with Autism

Social Skill Activities for Adults with Autism Social Skill Activities, For adults on the autism spectrum, social interaction can be a significant challenge. The increased demands of social life in the adult world, coupled with the non-verbal communication and perspective challenges that come with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), can make aspects of daily interaction overwhelming …

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Playdates For Children With Special Needs

Playdates For Children With Special Needs

Playdates For Children With Special Needs Playdates are vital for all children to hone critical social skills on which future relationships will be built. But with special needs children, scheduling a playdate can feel a bit overwhelming. Special needs children tend to have a difficult time interacting with their peers. As a parent, you want to …

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Self-Control Activities for Children

Self-Control Activities for Children Introducing new behaviors to children or changing or modifying the old ones can be a herculean task. Children are quick learners and absorb things like a sponge. Therefore, what we present to them has to be done with a certain thought and deliberately at times. Self-control is one such thing that …

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