Children’s development from birth to age five is aided by early childhood development. It comprises health, nutrition, play, learning, and protection programmes and services that support nurturing care.
Children from low-income and marginalised families who do not have access to help are at a significant disadvantage. They will have a restricted vocabulary and learning abilities if they begin school at the age of five without early childhood support.

What is early childhood development?
If you’ve ever spent time with young children, you’re well aware of their incredible learning abilities. They appear to be learning new abilities and expanding their vocabulary at a breakneck pace. Young children acquire information and learn in a variety of ways at the same time.
According to Mrs Sruthi ( checkout her Instagram handel ourlittleplays )
“Parents these days are focusing more on early childhood development. It just doesn’t mean getting the child ready for school.”
Early Childhood Development focuses on the overall development of a child like social skills, behavioural, practical, cognitive and motor skills. In the Montessori method the early years child is said to have an absorbent mind.
What that means is the child can absorb and learn from the surroundings rather than effortlessly. Several researches have also shown that children can develop a lot of a kills during their early years. So, as a parent or guardian it is important to use this period of child development wisely.
At this stage education doesn’t just mean making the child sit in a corner and read books, but it is about getting into the outdoors and learning from surroundings, getting hands on learning from practice life activities, introducing children to early reading and there is a lot more that could be done.
Early childhood education has shown to help with Early childhood development in all aspects of the child growth.
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What are some important early childhood skills?
Courses in early childhood education will assist you in developing a variety of behaviour management techniques. It’s not always simple to form bonds with a group of children who are unfamiliar with you and may be hesitant to put their faith in you. Trust, on the other hand, is precisely what is required to open the door to learning.
Parents will want to see that you are liked and trusted by their children. Your boss will be looking for evidence that you’re building positive relationships with the children in your care.
Some of the most important early childhood skills would be fine and gross motor skills, cognitive development, communication, physical development, emotional development and listening skills. I’m not sure if am the right person to talk about this as nowadays it’s very important to have a certification for everything. But as a parent, from what I have learnt so far for the sake of my child, these are the most important skills and development a child needs to show during the early childhood period.
“There maybe delays here and there but it’s ok. Every child is different and they pick up stuff at different phases. But it’s too much of a delay, it’s important to contact an expert for help rather than looking it up online by ourself. ”says Mrs Vaishnavi Gupta of snippets_from_my_life ”.
Why is early childhood important?
You may probably guess why kids need to develop and expand throughout time. They can’t stay babies indefinitely, no matter how adorable they are. Professionals who work with children, on the other hand, are far more able to assist kids in learning if they understand how they develop.
Where Mrs Ashwini Gnaneshwar of little_av2020 Says ” The quality of a child’s early experiences makes a critical difference as their brains develop, providing strong foundations for learning, health and behaviour throughout life. Child’s brains are build , moment by moment, as they interact with their environments.”
For children to achieve their full potential, they need health care and nutrition, opportunities for early learning and responsive caregivers who love them.”
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How can we support young children in childhood?
As a parent, you want your children to learn everything they can, including math principles, curiosity about the world, and the ability to read and write.
According to Mrs Rekha of imperfectllyperfectus “Research says that children show symptoms of anxiety and depression is because of low quality of relation between their parents.”
A quality time playing with family members can play a major role as it helps them have a strong bond, particularly for special children. At the same time playing with children helps reduce stress and improve mental and emotional health in both parent and children.
Further, parents can be great influence when it comes to learning of the child at home. The best they can do is to demonstrate the learning and values the want their child to imbibe and not tell him/her what to do. They become role model for the little ones.