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What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a long-term condition characterized by recurrent seizures brought on by aberrant electrical signals generated by damaged brain cells. Seizures are brought on by an uncontrollably high spike in electrical activity within brain cells. A seizure may cause modifications to your consciousness, sensations, emotions, behavior, and motor control (your muscles may twitch or jerk). Another name for epilepsy is a seizure disorder.

A brain condition called epilepsy results in spontaneous seizures that happen repeatedly. If you experience two unprovoked seizures or one unprovoked seizure with a high probability of more, your doctor may diagnose you with epilepsy. Epilepsy is not always the cause of seizures. Although a brain damage or a genetic predisposition may be linked to seizures, the exact reason is frequently not recognized.

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What is the brain’s reaction to Epilepsy?

All parts of your body send and receive messages to and from the brain’s cells. A constant electrical impulse that moves from cell to cell transmits these messages. This periodic electrical impulse pattern is disturbed by epilepsy. Rather, in one or more regions of your brain, there are electrical energy bursts between cells that resemble an erratic lightning storm. Your awareness (including loss of consciousness), sensations, emotions, and muscle actions are all altered by this electrical disruption.

Is Epilepsy preventable?  

While there are many uncontrollable and unavoidable causes of epilepsy, you can lower your risk of having some disorders that may precede epilepsy, such as:

It is estimated that 25% of occurrences of epilepsy may be avoided.

  • The best strategy for preventing post-traumatic epilepsy is to prevent head traumas, such as those caused by falls, auto accidents, and sports injuries.

  • Proper prenatal care can lower the number of new instances of birth injury-related epilepsy.

  • The likelihood of febrile seizures can be decreased by using medications and other techniques to bring down a sick child’s body temperature.

  • Reduced cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity, as well as abstaining from tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, are key to preventing epilepsy linked to stroke.

  • In tropical regions, which are home to a large number of low- and middle-income nations, central nervous system infections are frequently the cause of epilepsy.

  • Worldwide reductions in epilepsy cases, such as those resulting from neurocysticercosis, can be achieved through the removal of parasites from these habitats and the provision of infection prevention education.

Symptoms Of Epilepsy

Symptoms of seizures might vary greatly. During a seizure, some persons with epilepsy just stare blankly for a few seconds, while others move their limbs or legs frequently. A single seizure does not necessarily indicate epilepsy. An epilepsy diagnosis usually requires at least two unprovoked seizures that occurred at least 24 hours apart. The electrical cycles of the brain become unbalanced in epilepsy, resulting in recurring seizures. In nearly half of those who suffer from epilepsy, there is no known aetiology.

The indications and symptoms of a seizure are:

  • Temporary perplexity

  • A bout of staring

  • Muscle spasms

  • Jerking movements of the arms and legs that are uncontrollable

  • Consciousness or awareness loss

  • Fear, anxiety, or a sense of déjà vu are all psychological symptoms.

The severity of the symptoms varies depending on the type of seizure. A person with epilepsy will, in most situations, experience the same sort of seizure every time, therefore the symptoms will be consistent from episode to episode.

Doctors divide seizures into two types: focal and generalised, depending on how and where the aberrant brain activity occurs.

Below are some common challenge of epilepsy myths that still exist today:

Myth 1: Everyone who has epilepsy experiences convulsions and loses consciousness

A "tonic-clonic seizure" is the most common type of seizure that we witness on TV. Here, the individual collapses to the ground and begins to tremble (they frequently foam at the mouth in TV shows and movies, although this isn't always the case!).

Tonic-clonic seizures are actually only one of approximately forty distinct types of seizures; others include rapid twitching of the muscles, a momentary loss of consciousness, bewilderment, or disorientation. Before, a convulsive seizure was referred to as a fit.

Myth 2: Living with epilepsy is a lifelong condition

It's not necessary for epilepsy to last a lifetime. Although there is presently no treatment for epilepsy, 70% of those who have the condition will stop having seizures when taking anti-seizure medication, and many pediatric epilepsy syndromes are "outgrown." For some people, epilepsy is deemed "resolved" if they have not experienced a seizure in ten years and have been able to stop taking their medication for the past five of those years.

Myth 3: A mental illness, epilepsy

Epilepsy and seizures can occasionally be confused with mental health conditions. During a seizure, for instance, a person could make bizarre noises, say strange things, or act strangely. But just like everyone else, some epileptics experience mental health issues like anxiety and/or sadness. To learn more about mental health and wellness, click this link.

Myth 4: You cannot drive if you have epilepsy.

If their seizures are adequately managed with medication or if they meet the requirements outlined by the state's appropriate driving authority, people with epilepsy are eligible to apply for a driver's license.

Myth 5: Someone experiencing a seizure needs to be restrained.

It's more likely that restraining someone during a seizure may aggravate or injure them (or you). The progress of a seizure cannot be stopped or slowed down by restraint. The type of seizure will determine the first aid needed.

Myth 6: If someone is having a seizure, you should place something in their mouth to prevent them from swallowing their tongue.

You cannot physically swallow your tongue. When someone is having a seizure, they are unable to control their muscles. If you place anything in their mouth, they could bite down on it and break their teeth or hurt their jaw, which could potentially cause harm to you.

Myth 7: A person must visit a hospital if they are having a seizure.

Not every seizure calls for hospitalization. After a seizure, the person will typically only need some time to relax and recuperate, which they may be able to accomplish at home, at work, or at school. It is preferable to dial for help if you see someone experiencing a seizure and you don't know them.

When should you see a doctor?

If any of the following occurs, get medical attention right away:

  • More than five minutes had passed since the seizure began.

  • After the seizure stops, neither breathing nor consciousness return.

  • A second seizure occurs almost instantly.

  • Your temperature is quite high.

  • You’re expecting.

  • You’re diabetic.

  • During the seizure, you hurt yourself.

  • Even if you’ve been taking anti-seizure medication, you’re still having seizures.

Is Epilepsy contagious?

Just like any neurological disorders of Cerebral palsy, autism spectrum, etc, Epilepsy also does not spread by sharing food or touch. So, please do not run away or fear from the person during or without a seizure. Take the first step to assist such person when in need, because they are “normal” just like you and me.

Is Epilepsy a curse?

It is purely a medical condition.

Is Epilepsy a mental illness?

NO. Majority of people with seizures are mentally sound, unless secondary to conditions affecting the psyche and/or intellect. It is not a barrier to success in life.

Can women with Epilepsy bear children?

YES. They can safely have children without any adverse effects on the womb or baby.

Can I help by putting a key in hands of person during a seizure?

Non- medical measures such as the above or smelling a shoe or onions, are not of any use.

What care should be taken regarding medications for seizure control?

  • Do not discontinued rugs, until advised and supervised by a neurologist.

  • Never miss a dose. But it’s human timer or forget. In such a case, don’t panic, take the dose immediately as you realise and delay the next dose by the same time.

  • Withdrawal process and risk should be explained by the doctor, before prescribing a medicine.

  • A doctor’s drug selection may take some time, but it’s important to remember that in 80% of cases, the drugs effectively manage seizures.

Is neurosurgery a feasible option?

With advanced techniques of investigations and medical care, surgery as a means of treatment from seizures is a feasible solution.

  • There are investigations which rule out the possibility of a brain area controlling important body function or skill being removed or damaged during surgery.

  • There are chances that drugs would have to be continued post- surgery, but the decrease in intensity and frequency of seizures remarkably improve the Quality of Life.

What about the social stigma related to Epilepsy?

The lack of complete and proper information about the safety standards, treatment techniques, including drugs and surgery, create a hollow giving rise to self pity, lowered self esteem and confidence, dependence in the individual. Social awareness and education regarding the normalcy of an individual with seizures, and the care to be taken during a seizure should be highlighted.

Epilepsy, by itself is not a disability, unless accompanied by a condition associated with mental retardation. Let us spread awareness about this fakely dreaded condition and be supportive in helping these individuals lead a much deserved normal life.

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